Local people committed to world-class results
Outsourcing is a golden ticket for countless businesses
The ability to balance resourcing and productivity needs by partnering with a respected partner such as Probe CX tends to put a smile on the face of our clients, not to mention their customers. While offshore outsourcing destinations such as the Philippines have a lot going for them, there are just as many reasons so many businesses love that we offer similar services close to home, courtesy of our wide array of Onshore Solutions.

The Why
It’s no secret why outsourcing is a winner with modern businesses. It allows them to easily access the expertise they may lack, redirect time-consuming and repetitive work, scale up and down without the headaches of recruitment and retrenchment, and cost-effectively build dedicated teams without needing to set up offices and spend precious hours on the likes of training, HR and payroll.
Some of our clients are rightly attracted to our Offshore Solutions – after all, the cost of staffing is much more competitive in locations such as the Philippines - but just as many believe partnering with Probe CX to establish teams on home soil makes much better business sense.
We not only recruit the best people for your specific needs but ensure they work solely with your business. We have teams ranging from a handful of people to hundreds of staff who are effectively an extension of your business, working diligently from one of our many locations across Australia. Unlike our offshore staff, your teams are also within close geographic reach for face-to-face meetings, team building and collaborations.
Establishing an onshore team makes it easier to communicate with your staff, their skill sets are locally appropriate and your ability to increase control is heightened. So just to reiterate - why do businesses opt for Probe CX’s Onshore Solutions? Because they work.
The What
We start by deciding if your business is truly ready to roll out an onshore staffing solution. From access to cloud-based tools and documented internal processes to an operation suitable for a remote work setting, we want to ensure our approach is the best approach for you. Then it’s on to customising a solution to meet your specific situation and starting the search for the best talent to deliver exactly what your business needs. From sourcing and interviewing candidates to setting up associated infrastructure.
With their feet under the desk, it’s now time for us to deliver the ongoing client support we are renowned for. While you can oversee as much or as little of your onshore team’s productivity and quality control as you wish, the main thing to know is we are committed to ensuring your team consistently delivers the goods so you can focus on the bigger picture of growing your business.

The Who
Many of Australia’s biggest brands know exactly who Probe CX is and that’s because we are the driving force behind the success of their onshore staffing strategies.
For more than 40 years, we have earned an unrivalled reputation for helping businesses across multiple industries develop and deliver best-in-practice outsourcing environments. In the modern business world that includes handing our clients cutting-edge omnichannel solutions that allow them to consistently achieve continuous improvement, innovation and insights.
As further proof of our credentials, Probe CX has been named Australia Customer Experience Outsourcing Services Provider of the Year an unprecedented 11 times at the prestigious Frost & Sullivan Best Practice Awards.
Probe CX helps unlock trapped value
From managed and outsourced services to intelligent automation and workforce transformation, our teams drive tangible results for businesses of all sizes.
Managed & Outsourced Services
Technology & Transformation Services