20% reduction in customer complaints.

Quas sonet maiestatis ex vel, et his blandit interesset, at usu labore vivendo dignissim. Ius iisque platonem id, possit tritani corpora at duo.

Experiencing a rise in customer complaints and churn? Are customer support channels unable to satisfy customer demands?

P_Telecommunications provider improves net promoter score by 53%_AUG2023_inside
Download this case study to learn:

In this case study discover how a customer remediation model:

  • Decreased customer complaints by 20%
  • Reduced case management activity by 70%
  • Improved average handling times by 22%
  • Increase net promoter score (NPS) by 53%
  • Reduced customer transfer rates by 83%
  • Exceeded sales performance targets by up to 103%.

Download now for these insights and more.

Transport provider navigates state-wide international event with a 95% target grade of service

95% target grade of customer service

95% target grade of customer service

Average speed of answer of five seconds

Average speed of answer of five seconds

Labour cost savings of $150,000

Labor cost savings of $150,000

The client

A division of the State Government's Department of Transport responsible for providing public transport services across multiple cities and towns.

The challenge

The client needed a risk management and staffing solution that would help ensure smooth transportation for a state-wide international event, its 50,000 staff and volunteers, 6,600 international visitors and 3,000 media representatives. This involved facilitating access to transport across the state, while also maintaining regular public bus, train and ferry services across a service area spanning over 97 square miles.

They needed a way to accommodate an additional six million journeys over approximately six weeks, all while meeting their existing service obligations.

The solution

Probe CX was engaged by the client 12 months in advance to collaborate on developing effective risk management and labor ramp-up solutions. Several tactics were implemented by Probe CX to mitigate risks and ensure successful event transportation:

 comprehensive risk management plan
A comprehensive risk management plan to identify potential transport challenges and concerns that may arise, before, during and after the event.
A short-term staffing ramp-up plan
A short-term staffing ramp-up plan, hiring 112 outsourced full-time employees (FTE) who supported the client's own teams.
The development of a dynamic social media strategy
The development of a dynamic social media strategy for effective transport disruption management that enabled quick communication with the public and event attendees.

During the 11-day event, Probe CX provided the client with detailed reports on performance and identification of customer pain points every two hours and conducted conference calls twice a day with key stakeholders.

The result

Across the six weeks, Probe CX was able to help the client successfully navigate the challenges associated with managing public transport during a state-wide event. The risk management and staffing solutions resulted in:

A 95% target grade of service and an average speed of answer of five seconds as a result of increased staff addressing queries and an effective social media strategy.

Labor cost savings of $150,000 due to Probe CX's optimized outsourced operations.

Early identification of passenger frustrations as a result of the risk management plan allowed the client to quickly address and resolve these issues.