20% reduction in customer complaints.

Quas sonet maiestatis ex vel, et his blandit interesset, at usu labore vivendo dignissim. Ius iisque platonem id, possit tritani corpora at duo.

Experiencing a rise in customer complaints and churn? Are customer support channels unable to satisfy customer demands?

P_Telecommunications provider improves net promoter score by 53%_AUG2023_inside
Download this case study to learn:

In this case study discover how a customer remediation model:

  • Decreased customer complaints by 20%
  • Reduced case management activity by 70%
  • Improved average handling times by 22%
  • Increase net promoter score (NPS) by 53%
  • Reduced customer transfer rates by 83%
  • Exceeded sales performance targets by up to 103%.

Download now for these insights and more.

‘Buy now pay later’ provider achieves 70% first contact resolution

90% customer support quality score

90% customer support quality score

first contact resolution rate

70% first contact resolution rate

Customer resolution rate of 97%

75% customer satisfaction score


A financial technology organization that provides 'but now pay later' services globally.


The client was experiencing an overwhelming volume of email enquiries from customers in the local market and required a fast and efficient solution to ensure rapid customer response and assistance with back office support tasks. The client had plans to expand its services into new regions and recognized the need for a scalable and flexible solution to support its growth.


Probe CX provided the client with an offshore customer support team of 20, along with a team leader that assisted with customer email correspondence. The team handled basic enquiries with email template responses, anything more complex was escalated to the client's internal teams.

Probe CX supported the client's expansion into new markets, replicating the operational process used in the local market enquiries for the USA and UK. Over time the team took on more complex work types, including manual identification of customers and merchants and manual financial chargebacks.

As the client continued to grow, the team expanded to handle additional back office tasks and to support the company's shift to a digital-first servicing strategy. The client again had to respond to ongoing capacity challenges driving unsustainable customer experience issues. Probe CX also hired additional agents to prepare for peak periods in the North American market which was almost double the current team size.


By aligning onshore and offshore teams to protect global customer experience via a 'digital-first' service model, the following results and wins have been achieved by the offshore team:

90% customer support quality score
90% customer support quality score
80% voice support occupancy rate
80% voice support occupancy rate
88% digital support occupancy rate
88% digital support occupancy rate
75% customer satisfaction score
75% customer satisfaction score
first contact resolution rate
70% first contact resolution rate
11% improvement in average ticket handling times
11% improvement in average ticket handling times.
16% reduction in average handling time for merchant onboarding
16% reduction in average handling time for merchant onboarding